WhizKid Wheeled Postural Support System by DDO and Whirlwind

The WhizKid Wheeled Postural Support System combines two great products to create the perfect mobility solution for disabled children (and adults) with postural support needs. WhizKid attaches the D-Seat, designed by Diversability Development Organization (DDO), to Whirlwind’s acclaimed RoughRider® all-terrain wheelchair, making it easy for children to push themselves, or be pushed, over ground that would be difficult or impossible to traverse in a standard wheelchair.


The design is consistent with the World Health Organization Guidelines on the Provision of Manual Wheelchairs in Less-Resourced Settings and perfectly complements the Wheelchair Service Training Packages.

D-Seat is an awardee of the Global Design Challenge for Wheelchair Postural Support Devices by Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, funded by USAID.

The complete WhizKid has been built on a modular format which enables creative customization.

Adjustable features:

      • Seat depth
      • Seat width
      • Backrest height
      • Seat to back angle
      • Tilt angle
      • Height, width and depth of Lateral Trunk Supports, Abductor, Lateral Pelvic Support, Headrest
      • Padded straps (shoulder, chest, lap, foot)
      • Customizable cushion
      • Removable tray

The WhizKid is available for all ages. The quick release feature of the D-Seat and the folding mechanism of the RoughRider facilitate easy transportation. Optional parts are also available for further customization.

For more information on the individual products in this combination, please visit D-Seat and RoughRider web pages.

For product inquiries please contact DDO at info@diversable.org or Whirlwind Wheelchair International at info@whirlwindwheelchair.org.

As responsible providers, we are submitting the D-Seat to ongoing evaluation.


  • This product must be fitted by trained service providers. Given a trained and creative provider, WhizKid could be used to develop many creative seating solutions.
  • A service provider with limited knowledge and skills can improve through direct training and supervised practice.

Please contact us at info@diversable.org for more information.

Please contact us at productfeedback@diversable.org to share your experience with our products in the field.

Important: This product should be provided and fitted by appropriately trained professionals.
Please note: The seat within this product design is the property of Diversability Development Organization. No part of this design, including all original concepts and ideas contained herein, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Diversability Development Organization.